RBI Maths and Science Enhancement Programme

What is Maths and Science Enhancement Programme all about?

The RBI Matric Maths and Science Enhancement Programme, launched in April 2024 to help bridge education gaps and provide learners with a second opportunity to succeed. This initiative focused on Maths, Physical Sciences, and English, equipping students with skills needed to improve their matric results and pursue higher education.

What does the programme offer?

  • A comprehensive curriculum designed to address learners’ specific needs and challenges especially in, Maths, Physical Science and English
  • Qualified and experienced facilitators providing personalised attention and academic support
  • Interactive classes with regular assessments to monitor learner’s progress
  • Mentorship opportunities, career guidance and skills development to enhance chances of continuation to Higher Education institutions

In addition to academic support, the programme includes mentorship opportunities, career guidance, and skills development initiatives. The goal is not only to help individuals acquire their matric certificates but to empower them with the skills and knowledge needed to thrive beyond their matric year.

Subjects offered:

  • Maths
  • Physical Science
  • English

To apply, submit the following documents to: RBIMathsScience@bafokeng.com

  • Completed and signed application form
  • A clear and certified copy of your ID (not older than 3 months)
  • Grade 12 results
  • Letter of recommendation from a teacher or principal

Please note:

Shortlisted applicants will be subjected to compulsory drug and toxicology tests.  Drug tests will be a regular requirement of the programme.

See Application Form Here!