RBI offers Technical, Vocational and Educational Training (TVET) programmes that are aimed at out-of-school training, particularly for youth who do not wish to, or do not qualify to attend a university.

Qualifications are offered in construction and hospitality industries.  The practical skills learned through these courses help young people to find employment and live financially independent, fulfilling lives.

RBI School of Hospitality

The Ananda Lodge campus offers locally and internationally accredited courses in professional cookery, food & beverage services, reception services and accommodation services. Students receive on-the-job training through strategic partnerships with local and international hotels.



Congratulations to RBI School of Hospitality graduates of 2021
We commend past student, Kingsley Lefyine, on his recognition of excellence by Five Hotels and Resorts in Dubai and his promotion to Chef De Partie.

RBI construction school

At the Maile Diepkuil Campus, learnerships and apprenticeships are offered in construction with on- and off-the-job training in bricklaying, plastering, plumbing, painting, glazing and carpentry.


Additional courses

RBI is in the process of deciding on a list of degree qualifications to be offered in 2023. An update will be published in due course.

We invite you to view the catalogue of higher certificates, short learning courses and pre-university qualifications offered by the North-West University, by visiting http://uce.ajourney.academy/student/#/enrol/catalogue

Traditional Leadership

As part of our mandate of human development, we conduct training with members of the RBN’s Traditional Governance Structure to develop their skills across a broad range of areas.