The Community Schools Programme helps support the schools within RBN, through various initiatives including the Kutlwanong Pro Maths and Science programme, the Family Maths programme, Grade 4 reading for meaning/ literacy programme and governance.

RBI Pro Maths and Science programme (RBIMS)

RBI’s Pro Maths and Science programme supports learners in grades 10 to 12 to enhance their learning and understanding of these key subjects.

The programme launched in 2018 with 260 learners and has developed significantly over the past five years. In 2023, more than 500 learners across 10 secondary schools will be attending the programme. RBI plans to extend the programme to include grade 9 learners in the future.

Family Maths Programme

The programme, which began in 2018 across 9 primary schools, supports the improvement of learning and of quality teaching in mathematics, through games. This is done in partnership with the Cooperative Organisation for the Upgrading of Numeracy Training (COUNT), the Rustenburg Community Development Trust (RCDT) and the Department of Education (DoE). This programme includes 18 unemployed youths who assist learners in the community with mathematics through playing games as well as the training of parents on how to assist their children at home.

Grade 4 reading for meaning/ literacy

This project aims to improve literacy among grade 4 learners by assisting in the transition of literacy skills from grade 3 to grade 4. The project assists more than 400 learners and there are plans to expand further.


Through this unit, RBI helps to ensure good governance of all RBN schools and ensure all RBN schools have fully elected legitimate School Governing Bodies (SGBs). Development and training are provided to the SGBs throughout their three-year term of office.